Friday, May 6, 2011

the WAY of the CROSS!!!

22 April 2011, at exactly 7:00am in the morning Me, my Cousins and Friends went to the mountain since it was Good Friday so its the time of sacrificing and fasting in honor for our god Jesus Christ. Many People went there 1 day before the good Friday so that was Holy Thursday. when we arrive on top of the Mountain, most of the people there are already going down and went home. 
The Place is Very Beautiful and it's Breath Taking View of Brgy. Caraycaray and also Naval as well and the rest that can be seen by our naked eye. Instead to pray at that time we just only roaming around the area looking for food and eating our snacks, also the solemn day becomes a happy day since we enjoyed going there at the cross. It was a one of the very memorable day happens in my life.

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